Dear Friends and Partners,
Welcome to Alderspring’s weekend edition newsletter!
In this letter is Glenn’s weekly story, a suite of pics about work on the ranch this week, and an update on this week’s featured cuts!
Story: Real Diamonds on the Range
Featured Cuts: Hot dogs and Patties for Grilling! Also New Yorks, Salmon, Magnum Grind, Briskets!
Want to follow along more day-to-day? Find us on Instagram and Facebook.
And, as always, if you have any questions, observations, or comments, just shoot us an email to Kelsey at help[at]alderspring[dot]com.
Next shipping day is May 23, 2022!
Place your order by Sunday, Mother’s Day, at midnight on the 22nd to get it shipped on the 23rd!
Looking for this week’s featured cuts? Head to the page below. Scroll on down for Glenn’s story and other newsletter stuff!
This week’s cuts include 10% off 12 oz New York Steaks, Wild Alaskan Sockeye, Magnum Fatty Ground Beef, and Brisket Roasts!
Also, a weekend 20% off flash! Get 20% off this weekend only on hot dogs and burger patties for Memorial Day Grilling!

Remember all those feral horses we got a while back that had barely been handled before by people? Well, here’s one of them, Jimmie, with 6th sister Annie on her back! This was Jimmie’s first ride “out” (outside of corrals and out on the open desert). She did great and will be ready to herd cattle on the range here in a couple weeks.

And here’s Glenn this week, talking grazing with the summer range riding crew! The ground they’re standing on is a “high traffic” spot on the ranch where the cattle and horses tend to overgraze a bit since it’s along a fence. As a result, the soil health has been depleted in this spot. The beautiful thing about nature, however, is that it’s resilient, and we’re going to be able to fix this area! Glenn is talking about how this bit of pasture can be improved, and then he’ll take the range riders to a nearby pasture to show the difference in how grazing done right can improve the land, and how overgrazing in spots like this, if continuous from year to year, will eventually degrade the land.
Quote of the Week
“As full of spirit as the month of May, and as gorgeous as the sun in Midsummer.”
–William Shakespeare

Real diamonds on the Range
We pulled this story from the archives because Glenn was pretty much sleepless in the Salmon River Ranges as we all are trying to power through spring work! We were putting shoes on many of the horses the other day, and the mare Roxy had pretty rough fronts. Glenn showed them to our farrier, Kurtis, as she was broken down enough that there was little to nail to.
Glenn came back an hour later, and checked to see how Kurtis had done. A beautifully patterned row of perfectly placed nails adorned each carefully crafted foot. Upon closer inspection, Glenn noted that most of the foot Kurtis nailed to magically appeared.
“It’s epoxy,” Kurtis explained. He showed Glenn how he’d carefully shaped a new hoof to Roxy’s broken foot to make her as good as new! She is good to go…for another year on the ranges. Here’s a story about Roxy’s part in a quite dramatic human saga:
As I pulled the mohair saddle cinch tight on the paint mare, Roxy, I had time to finally consider what I was doing, and wonder if it was a good idea. Roxy could be a little out of sorts on occasion and has introduced several riders to the unexpected sensation of flying. Although she occasionally bucked off a seasoned veteran, it was the inexperienced riders that were the most common victims.
I could usually see it coming from a distance. Rider would relentlessly pull on Roxy’s bit giving her constant irritating pressure, but no release. She was like a pot of potatoes on the back burner. Before you can get there, those taters erupt into a lid-unseating boil. Roxy eventually just had enough of the pain of the bit sawing on her mouth and finally boiled over.
I vividly remembered the last time I saw her buck. I had roped a calf from George’s back, dallied the rope around my saddle horn, and tried to follow the calf around the corral to keep rope tension off him. The little steer needed eartags, and I wanted to give him a look-over, but he flat tore off when the rope caught him. The problem was that he ran around Jeremiah aboard Roxy, and as the nylon line between us went tight, it lodged solidly under the paint’s tail. I tried to follow with free rope up by pulling my dally, but it was too late.
It was all it took. The potato pot boiled. Hard. Strong-as-an-ox Jeremiah held on, even though Roxy gave it all she had. He rode her out, and she finally calmed down, but she had bucked enough to send Jeremiah’s treasured Old-Timer knife into orbit.
I found it a year later on the other side of the corral about 75 feet away.
Read the rest on our blog by clicking below!
This Week’s FEatured Cuts From Alderspring’s Wild Pastures
A quick summary of this week’s featured cuts:
(As always, only you newsletter readers have access to these discounts)
THE BIG 20: We added 2 flash deals this weekend to help you get ready for Memorial Day grilling! a total of 20% off on our clean hot dogs (just beef and spices), as well as our pre-shaped burger patties (we can’t remember having a 20% off sale for the past 3 years!)
And this week (until Sunday the 10th at midnight MST) you can get 10% off on the following cuts:
- 12 oz New York Strips (put these on your Memorial Day grill, too!)
- Wild Alaskan Sockeye Salmon from a team of small-scale sustainable fishermen!
- Magnum Fatty Ground Beef for the ultimate juicy burger!
- And Brisket Roasts! (try smoking these. Life changing!)

One of those beautiful New York Strip Steaks!

Here are Will, daughter Linnaea and Matt on 3 geldings that we just got (right in time for the range)! These geldings are what is called “green broke,” meaning they’ve had some training and have been ridden a bit, but are still a little bit unsure and unpredictable. We got them not quite knowing how well-trained they were, and Will, Linnaea and Matt rode them the other day to find out! We were pleasantly surprised, and also found that they are surefooted and willing guys that like to go places. They’ll make great partners on the range!
And that’s it for this week!
Thanks again for partnering in what we do!
Glenn, Caryl, cowgirls and cowboys at Alderspring.
We’ve been crafting our pastured protein here in Idaho’s Rocky Mountains for nearly 30 years and delivering it direct to our partners for nearly as long. This is wild wellness, delivered from our ranch to your door.

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