Dear Friends and Partners,
Welcome to Alderspring’s weekend edition newsletter!
In this letter is Glenn’s weekly story, a suite of pics about work on the ranch this week, and an update on this week’s featured cuts!
Weekly Story: “Gas Fed Beef”
Weekend flash deal: 10% off ground beef bundles and Ribeyes!
Plus this week’s featured cuts: 10% off Plain Jane jerky, new provision packs, sirloin tip kabobs, stew meat, flank steak, and 3Fs – our famous Family Freezer Filler!
Want to follow along more day-to-day? Find us on Instagram and Facebook.
And, as always, if you have any questions, observations, or comments, just shoot us an email to Kelsey at help[at]alderspring[dot]com.
Next shipping days are Sept 26 & 27!
Place your order by Sunday at midnight on the 18th to get your order shipped out next week!
Looking for this week’s featured cuts? Head to the page below. Scroll on down for Glenn’s story and other newsletter stuff!
This week’s coupon cuts: 10% off on Plain Jane Jerky and Plain Jane Jerky Provision Packs, sirloin tip kabobs, stew meat, flank steak and 3Fs – Family Freezer Fillers!
We also still have grass fed organic lamb available!
And lots of sixteenth beefs still in stock for you beef lovers! Sixteenths are a great way to stock up, while saving big, as we head into late fall.
This week on the ranch…

Daughter Melanie took this image during a Sunday evening ride. Though summer grazing on the range is wrapped up and the cattle are back home on the ranch, the days of riding and working young horses have not ended. A trot across the desert does everyone – of both human and animal variety – a bit of good. Every now and then there is a free evening to take advantage of.

Wednesday evening check on the cattle. They’re all full and content at the end of the day, which is what we like to see. Content cattle are healthy cattle. Completely settled and stress free with more than plenty of glorious green to graze.

This is Linnaea on the Bobbi mare after bringing the herd into the corrals to sort off 300 head of cattle. The 300 will be going to a ranch we’re leasing where there’s lots of pasture waiting for them! The rest of the herd will stay on the home ranch.

Melanie snapped this shot after another bout of rain over the ranch. It’s great to see. Our entire area has been under a drought for 2 years now, and we can definitely use some moisture! There’s also a wildfire nearby that this rain has finally begun to put out.
Quote of the Week
“In seed time learn, in harvest teach, in winter enjoy.”
—William Blake

This week’s story: “Gas Fed Beef”
Dear Friends
Linnaea and I stopped at the local bakery this morning to grab a four shot whatever (I like it strong, and pretty black). A local ranching gal and friend stepped out to visit. We swapped stories about the latest and somehow went to one of our local Idaho mega cattle feeders (there are none around here, but hours away, you can find many).
These are the big outfits. You know what I mean; feeding about 30,000 plus cattle in confinement in concrete bunks. They have claims as ‘natural’ and even some, ‘grass fed.”
She: “…And did you hear about **** feeders?”
I: “No. I didn’t, but I had lunch with their feedlot manager a few months ago.”
“Well you didn’t hear what happened because they were trying to cover it all up.”
“I didn’t hear what?”
“They killed over 400 head this summer from heat stress.”
I imagined the mess. Dead and bloated cows on piles of manure. Lots of flies; ravens and magpies picking at the bodies. Other cows struggling to survive around them. “Here? At the local feedlot?”
“Yep. They’re trying to keep it hush-hush because of their natural program, but they killed their fair share of them, too.”
It wasn’t only happening in Kansas and Oklahoma this summer–it was here as well. It’s not because they don’t have shade. It’s not because they run out of water. It is simply because those cattle are stressed and health compromised simply because of the fact that their growing conditions and feed cause distress. Gut acidosis. Cardiac functionality impairment. Respiratory distress. Fecal dust contamination.
The list goes on. And when you add 110 degree heat, it is simply too much. Systems shut down.
It’s not right, friends. Cattle shouldn’t be in feedlots. They should be on grass. And they shouldn’t be fed what they eat there. Because instead of grass fed beef, as a nation, 95% of our cattle are…gas fed beef.
Here’s the full story of bovine intrigue in the link below, including the truth about Whole Foods and how ethanol is not only going to feed your car, but also, America’s cow.
Read the rest on our blog by clicking below!
This Week’s FEatured Cuts From Alderspring’s Wild Pastures
A quick summary of this week’s featured cuts:
(As always, only you newsletter readers have access to these discounts)
FIRST! Flash deal for this weekend only!
And this week (until Sunday the 25th at midnight MST) you can get 10% off on the following cuts:
- Plain Jane jerky in regular quantity and our NEW provision packs!
- Sirloin tip kabobs AND stew meat. Think skewers, stew, and scrumptious possibilities!
- Flank Steaks! A quick grill or delicious stir fry.
- 3Fs – the Family Freezer Filler!

And that’s it for this week!
Thanks again for partnering in what we do!
Glenn, Caryl, cowgirls and cowboys at Alderspring.
We’ve been crafting our pastured protein here in Idaho’s Rocky Mountains for nearly 30 years and delivering it direct to our partners for nearly as long. This is wild wellness, delivered from our ranch to your door.

We tried the salmon for dinner this evening which we purchased from your online store and WOW So good ! Thank you for exceeding our expectations and we will definitely buy from you again