Dear Friends and Partners,
Welcome to Alderspring’s weekend edition newsletter! Thank you for partnering in what we do!
Below you can find our featured deals, Glenn’s weekly story, and a suite of pics about work on the ranch this week!
This Week’s Story: “Under Our Feet”
Weekend flash deal: 20% off sliced summer sausage and brisket!
Plus this week’s coupon cuts – 20% off osso buco, our roast and ground pack, and fatty ground beef!
Scroll down for Glenn’s weekly story and updates from the ranch this week!
Remember, only you newsletter readers have access to these discounts!
Next shipping day is April 10th! Get your order in by Sunday at midnight to have it shipped the next day.
FLASH DEAL FOR THIS WEEKEND ONLY! 20% off sliced summer sausage and brisket!
And this week (until Sunday the 9th at midnight MST) you can save 20% on the following cuts:
- Osso buco style beef shanks.
- Our roast and ground stock up pack.
- Fatty ground beef!

We are also now offering organic pork for the first time ever!
Click the button below for more details on this new organic pork!
If you have any questions, observations, or comments, just send Kelsey an email at help[at]alderspring[dot]com.
This week on the ranch…

This week, a convoy crew brought all the mama cows back to the home ranch from the Lemhi ranch. It’s a little over an hour journey for them, and we kept it as quick and efficient as possible. It was nice to see them unloading slowly and quietly when we got them to pasture at the home ranch. That’s usually a pretty good sign they were comfortable, not stressed out or overcrowded. Montana took this photo Wednesday morning warming up the trucks at the home ranch.

Here you can see these mama cows settled in at the home ranch. Some of gals will be calving this month, though the majority are scheduled to calve in May and June. Though we had a few surprises this winter, late spring is our target for calving. It’s makes for better calving for everyone when the grass is green and the nighttime temperatures aren’t below freezing.

Melanie took this series of photos this week while looking over horses and feeding cattle. Springtime feels a little more official with these evening storms moving through the valley just as the sun starts to make its descent.

There’s Linnaea, feeding a couple of the horses that we have in the corrals right now. Hard to believe in just a few short weeks summer will be in full swing and we’ll be moving the yearlings up onto the range. With summer, more interns will arrive to ride the range and learn about life on the ranch.

Want to follow along more day-to-day? Find us on Instagram and Facebook.
Quote of the Week
“What good is the warmth of summer, without the cold of winter to give it sweetness.”
— John Steinbeck

This week’s story: “Under Our Feet “
Dear Friends
It’s nearly mid-April, and winter is still pretty much intact on the ranch. It’s all good, though, as we are seeing a wonderful deposition of moisture on the ranch. The ground is just barely beginning to give up its permafrost characteristics, and on the John Deere backhoe yesterday, I found the digging pretty good as I performed some ditch maintenance.
It reminded me of a time a few years back when Colin (then Alderspring employee) and I were nearly 7 feet down in a hole fixing a waterline in mid-April. And what we deep in the soil intrigued us. I had long thought that deep soil was simply a dead zone, but the fact of the matter was that even 7 feet down, we found earthworms.
It’s still exciting for me today, because it shatters the belief system that all the organic matter is up in the upper few inches of soil. When I discovered the worms doing the down and dirty work they do, I realized that they, along with plant roots are able to put tremendous amounts of organic matter–in other words, carbon–deep down underground, safe for millennia.
In these days of climate woes and carbon concerns, the lowly life of worm may help save the planet. Who knew? To see the video and realize some more fun facts about worms, check out the post below!!
Happy Trails, friends.
Read the story on our blog by clicking below!
And that’s it for this week!
Thanks again for partnering in what we do!
Glenn, Caryl, cowgirls and cowboys at Alderspring.

We’ve been crafting our pastured protein here in Idaho’s Rocky Mountains for nearly 30 years and delivering it direct to our partners for nearly as long. This is wild wellness, delivered from our ranch to your door.

Why are your delivery charges so high? I would love to buy from you but your delivery charges were over $100.
Hi Renee, thanks for commenting! If you are in an Eastern or Midwestern state, we have to ship the beef 2nd Day Air or 3 Day Select, which are high speed shipping options that would get it to you quickly so that the beef doesn’t thaw in transit! We ship in an insulated box with dry ice, but it can only stay cold for so long. Those high speed shipping options, especially with a heavy box like a box of beef is, are very expensive, especially for a small business like us that doesn’t get discounts from UPS in the same way a big company like Amazon does. We absorb part of that cost of shipping to distant states ourselves, but that’s why the shipping rates are so high. We wish we could make it more affordable for our Eastern/Midwestern customers but completely understand that it’s just not feasible for everybody to pay shipping costs that high! You may be able to find a more local producer near you. If you check out the Local Harvest or Eat Wild websites, you may be able to find some farms or ranches listed in your area.
Over the last couple of years I have transitioned from getting my quality beef from several suppliers to using Alderspring ONLY. It’s Glen’s newsletters that have given me a FEEL of exactly the unbelievable quality of what I’m nurturing my body with and how it’s a win win for your wonderful family, the Earth, and my family….nothing else I’ve found comes close. SO CLOSE that recently I thought I should try your wild Alaskan salmon because I know you’d apply the same standards to anything you sell. I have used a local company for years…being in the Pacific Northwest means there is a lot of access to Alaskan salmon…but you can NEVER know about the details of the processing…you just have to trust the people. I wanted to write today and let you know how much I trust you as people, a family, and a business. Blessings to you all, Margaret
Thanks for supporting our family and business Margaret. Glad to hear you are enjoying the beef!