Dear Friends
I’m often taken aback at how informed our patrons are. In the last few weeks, we’ve received many inquiries about mRNA vaccines being manufactured for livestock.
Information surfaces regarding mRNA veterinary vaccine use on a daily basis, as the mRNA tech surrounding vaccine is relatively new. Although the idea has been around a long time (nearly 50 years) and there have been some small scale tinkerings with the use of mRNA in vaccine for decades, only recently has the methodology become widespread when large drug companies started releasing bulk quantities for the prevention of COVID-19 in humans.
For most of the last century, animal vaccines fell into two categories. The first is modified live virus (MLV) and killed virus vaccines. The MLVs use the well-established technology of injecting live virus that is able to replicate when injected, but it has been altered so that the virus will not cause clinical disease. Antibodies are then trained to recognize the real virus by the altered one, thus ensuring a halt of disease progression. Killed virus is injected in much larger quantities to provide sufficient antibody training.
The second is through toxoid vaccines, one of the most widely used being the tetanus toxoid. It’s not the tetanus bacteria that causes illness and death; instead it is the toxin secreted by it. The harmless tetanus toxoid is a manufactured substance that emulates the natural toxin without the poisonous effects. Antibodies are ‘trained’ by the manufactured toxoid to bind to the actual toxin and neutralize disease causing effects.
But all that may change. Emerging mRNA technology is likely to be the new source of vaccines for many of these diseases. The process has received an unprecedented amount of refinement as a result of COVID-19, and the technology is now mainstream. In addition, pharmaceutical companies say that it will be cheaper to produce mRNA vaccines than the current MLV and toxoids. Governments appear to be wholeheartedly supporting it and even fast tracking funding to get these vaccines online. As a result, pharmaceutical companies are moving forward very quickly to apply the tech to animal vaccines as well.
When researching this subject, I found it very clear that no company is yet offering mRNA animal vaccines on the open market. First of all, no one drug company has laid claim to be the first to produce it, or put methodologies in place that would allow for mass production. Second, I found many articles (some very recent) stating that the grant process is still ongoing. In other words, animal pharmaceutical production companies are just now getting money to explore the new technology for all classes of livestock.
On paper, the mRNA process is fairly simple to grasp: Laboratory created genetic material (mRNA—abbreviation for messenger ribonucleic acid) is injected into the body. It then serves as a code of specific instructions to cells about how to manufacture a protein (or even a part of one) that mimics the shape characteristics of the virus. That protein then triggers the antibody immune response in the body that fights the real virus.
There have been some preliminary mRNA vaccine tests on mice, mink and black-footed ferrets. So far, results appear promising. But what if the animals vaccinated happen to be the ones we eat? Are there possible complications?
It’s the unknown that people are concerned about, and that falls into two areas.
- Is the vaccine (or mRNA) persistent in meat? Will humans be ingesting mRNA genetic code material via consumption of vaccinated beef, pork or lamb?
- Is the vaccine safe in the long term for livestock? Or will it cause subsequent health complications that may then compromise our animal protein food supply?
These are valid questions. They certainly get my attention.
First, Unknown number 1: Most of the research surrounding this idea of persistence after ingesting mRNA indicates that it is not persistent. FDA/USDA will most likely require 30 or more days withdrawal of treated animals from entrance to the food supply. In other words, no animal can be slaughtered for human food until those minimum time frames have been met. Most mRNA research indicates that denaturing of the genetic material occurs within several days of vaccination. If it so happens that somehow mRNA material remains intact through ingestion, most scientists argue that mRNA is fairly fragile and would not survive the acidic environment of the stomach.
Potential problems with this train of thought: what if the researchers are wrong? What if the genetic material is persistent and can even survive ingestion and digestion? Research has definitely been wrong. Also, an interesting side-note is that the Chinese are currently testing an ingestible mRNA vaccine; human test subjects take it orally. If mRNA vaccine and genetic material can survive this digestive process, why not via ingested and digested animal muscle tissue?
Bottom line on vaccine persistence? We don’t have all the facts.
But here’s a fact: I, Glenn Elzinga, writer of this article and rancher and owner of Alderspring Ranch, have no interest in eating mRNA vaccinated animal products. Simply put, I will not eat them.

Unknown number 2: As with the application and CDC recommendation surrounding the COVID-19 vaccine, pharmaceutical companies and government experts are saying that animal mRNA vaccination is completely safe for livestock.
Potential problems with this: again, we don’t really know, especially since there is a complete absence of long term studies on mRNA vaccines in general. Furthermore, we have no record of widespread use of needle injection of isolated genetic material into livestock. There are no short or long term studies specific to this.
On Alderspring, we do not administer any vaccines for viral infections. I should note here that everyone I know in the conventional cattle industry vaccinates for viral disease. We don’t. We’ve seen no difference in the wellness of our cattle from not vaccinating. Actually, our annual percentage of animals requiring veterinary care has dropped after we stopped using viral vaccines 12 years ago.

With most of our cattle, we do administer a once-in-a-lifetime shot that provides immunity from bacterial infections. The class we vaccinate for are known as clostridia bacteria. They often reside in fairly indestructible cysts or spores in the soil. Animals can come down with a life-threatening infection if exposed (we have lost animals from clostridia disease). Some of the most common bacteria that can cause illness and death in cattle are diseases with common names such as redwater, blackleg and tetanus.
One more thing you should know about the how of our bacterial vaccination: we give the shot no less than 12 months before we slaughter a beef to ensure that any and all residue has left their system.
Unlike mRNA vaccines, these bacterial vaccines have a long track record of actual use (some for over 50 years of little change in the manufacture of these vaccines). And we have firsthand experience in seeing their effectiveness. It’s a pretty minimal vaccine regimen compare to what most cattle ranches embark on; we know several ranchers that vaccinate the same animals 3 times a year with viral vaccines (compared with our once in a lifetime issuance of a bacterial one).

There is currently very little discussion in veterinary pharmaceutical circles to change the technology of dealing with bacterial disease from modified live (also killed) or toxoid to one of mRNA. I got a toxoid tetanus shot a few weeks ago after a ranch injury at the local state health clinic. If human toxoids are still in vogue for bacteria, it is unlikely that animal toxoids and MLVs would come first.
However, we on the edge of our seats watching for that change, although in the short term, it looks like viral vaccine use will remain front and center. There is more ubiquitous use of viral vaccines in the cattle industry, especially since many virals require several shots per year, and that pattern seems unlikely to change in the near future.
The question still begs an answer for the cattle and their wellness. Is the bacterial shot that we now use necessary? I do know it would have saved the lives of those we lost to bacterial disease. Since it is not an mRNA shot, we still will administer it. But if indeed we are stuck with only being able to give an mRNA shot, I’m thinking the risk of an untested vaccine in our herd will outweigh the risk of disease contraction.
So, at this point, knowing that we don’t know much about mRNA vaccines, I would say that if all available vaccines became mRNA origin for our cattle, we would no longer administer vaccines to the herd. That’s a lot of cattle. Today, that number is around 650 that we would no longer ever inject with any vaccine.
It’s risk management. And that is what husbandry always involves. You make choices. We love these animals, and it is always an evaluation of risk. Here are some examples of weighing that risk:
-Should we calve in the winter to get better calf weights in the fall (nearly all our neighbors do)? (We don’t, because it is very labor intensive and therefore costly. Newborn calves freeze in the cold, and that means we need to be there. Instead, we found that by calving in the spring, cows can manage calving on their own.)

-Will the grass provide them with all the vitamins and minerals they need? It appears as though it does—we don’t feed or inject minerals).

-Will they (the cattle) know enough to stay away from poisonous plants? (They do. They often graze next to grass-like poisonous plants. I don’t know how they know, but they do).
-Do we need to apply an organic fly repellant material to the backs of the animals to keep flies off them, or should we entrust them to eat medicinal plants and lick themselves to provide their own solution to flies? (They do self-medicate, and on summer range pasture, they are almost fly-free).

So you see, it is not black and white. But we believe God, the Maker, put in these animals the ability to deal with disease, provided that we offer the husbandry to allow it to happen.
Happy Trails,
Thank you! This is very encouraging.
I believe many of us are concerned about the corrupt FDA and other agencies allowing Big Pharma to foist profit making schemes on the American public (and in keeping with whatever new world order plan exists!? ) at the expense of public health. I hope in the future, meats will be required to label specific medications and we will have a choice to buy products from conscientious sources like Alderspring Ranch. I too feel that I can’t eat meats that are treated with poisons or foreign substances even if they are FDA approved!
Thank you for your thoughtful article.
I completely agree with you Karen. I don”t trust our government or it’s agencies much anymore. Funny they want to fast track this mRNA vaccine. I believe it is to force those of us that let our own antibodies fight covid 19 and didn’t receive the shot. One might want to ask what genetically modifying agent was in those shots that makes them so hell bent on everyone getting it, one way or another!!
Jennifer A Hall
It iscertainlynot true that the mrna is no longer present in the body after 30 days,in fact it turns the body into an MRNA factory, turning out multi bill.ions of MRNA SPIKE proteins, the spikes that are deadly, killng the good blood cells jn veins s and organs….Top scientists in Europe have performed autopsies on young men who died after having the MRNA vax, they found it in the veins, brain, and the testes, it filled the testes, they found no sperm……in new mothers this is found in the breast feeding milk, so it contaminates the babies….also in the vaxx are 4 shocking types of parasites, cancer causing, ..if cattle ,any animals in the food chain, are injected with this deadly poison, then it will kill people, passed on through the neat, milk and cream……Doctors and nurses who gave people this deadly MRNA injection, can now be sued and it is happening around the world….This is killing millions, injuring millions, as it was meant to do…..People will stop eating meat…will have nochoice……
I agree ! But can you trust them to not add mRna to the Bacterial one shot? God help us!
Found this and thought you would be interested in it.
Diane Russo
Linda, thank you for sending that article. The vaccine producing companies have their eye on a huge market for their goods. Pfizer, Moderna and J&J pushed their untested vaccine, and they continue to do so. All one has to do is read websites like Gateway Pundit,, Rumble, X-22 Report. There are many more who dare to tell the whole truth about our government. This vaccine continues to kill young athletes and other young people. Their campaign of fear worked for many people… but not all people. Alderspring, keep up your good work. Thank you.
There is a bill to prevent this new vaccine. Missouri is going to use it
I don’t eat animals, but I know many who do. What intelligent, informative and thoughtful response. Thank you.
Caryl Elzinga
Thank you for reading, Elle!
Please look up what many produce manufacturers are doing in Salinas California, and other places to put mRNA and gene modulation into our lettuce, corn and other produce. They are trying to put it into everything.
It’s in the vegetables too, and in the numbing shot at the dentist, mrna will be in everything eventually
I wish I could get all of my beef from you. I will have to find a farmer closer to home that follows your same beliefs because I don’t want my kids growing up in a world where mRNA is proved years from now to have caused irreparable harm.
Jennifer A Hall
It has already been proved to do harm, is killing millions world wide,and sadly all who took the injections will die, the FDA has just said that all the injections must stop now…….It is not a vaccine, and was not meant for covid 19 flu, there are 1290 shocking side effects to it, it destroys the immune system, and causes many deseases, injuries, deaths…This must never be a.lowed in our food chain…
Jennifer A Hall
It’s a great worry, we have found out that all the meat in our Coles and Woolworths supermarkets are from NSW and Victoria ,here in Australia, and are full of MRNA… I wish we lived near Glen’s Ranch, God bless him and his family for standing agajnst it, …..I am searching for clean meat home delivery here in Victoria, and another great concern is the milk and cream and butter, we are being attacked on all sides…
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks for reading Jennifer. Hope you can find some producer’s to trust near you.
Kathleen Boroughs
Go to eat to find these ranchers
Thank you so much! I love your integrity, research, honesty and bravery. So refreshing! I agree with you 100%. My family chose to NOT mask, jab, use hand sanitizers or chemical cleaners, nor did we isolate and we did extremely well. Did not even catch a cold.
Very thankful for you. Please help educate other farmers. Stand united! ðŸ™ðŸ»â¤ï¸ðŸŒˆ
Unfortunately, ALL the evils of this world are being FORCED upon us ALL. The GLOBALISTS have an agenda, and it has been set into place a very long time ago. Farmers have been threatened, abused, and put out of business, by the evil POWERS that be. Bible prophecy is literally unfolding before our very eyes. We are ALL being LIED to, as in greatly deceived, and truly dark days are coming. Satan is real, and works through humans, who are out to destroy all. This has already begun.
Couldn’t agree more. God help us.
Rima E Laibow, MD
Thank you for your intelligent discussion. I am compiling a list of mRNA vaccine-free meats for my website, https://PreventGenocide2030.9
Do you ship your organic meats ? Are there other products available?
Yours in health and freedom,
Rima E Laibow, MD
Medical Director
Natural Solutions Foundation
Anne Marie
Rima, thank you for all you do for humanity! I have seen your interviews. You have important messages that need to get out about this “culling.”
Jane Wilson
Thank you so much for this article. So many changes happening in our medical system that it is hard to keep up. I do believe they will demand mRNA vaccines for animals at some point soon. In Holland they wanted to slaughter their cattle and the farmers said absolutely no way. I believe it worked. It was very refreshing to have someone be so honest for a change. Thanks,
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks for reading Jane.
Thank you for the encouraging and informational article! How can the average shopper know and/or recognize safe products?
Caryl Elzinga
Hi Teague,
Thank you for reading. I would recommend reading the packaging, always checking for the USDA certified organic label if you would like to shop organic, and don’t be afraid to do your own research. I always tend to make sure I can find the source of the product itself – if there is no way to tell where it came from I generally steer clear.
You say you just won’t eat vaccinated meat. My question is how will you know if you has the mRNA in the meat? Will they be required to put it on the label?
Yes, great. Thank you!
Tammy Ankenman
GOD BLESS YOU ! THANK YOU AS A CONSUMER!! I hope one day I meet your establishment and can contribute some how. I hope you have a program in place to continue your great work and methods to next generation. NEVER CAVE!
Helpful article. Do you know anything about the stance of other usa organic farmers or organic farming organizations re: mRNA vaccines? Thinking about milk supply.
Caryl Elzinga
Hi Olivia,
Thanks for reading. I would recommend doing research before buying a producer’s product. Always feel free to contact a producer if you have questions!
Covid is a lie, it doesn’t exist because it was not isolated, (Covid was never found in a human and put under a microscope)they just want to scare you into getting the shot that will kill you unless you got the placebo
Kevin Wilkins
I’m vetting all of my meats now to ensure MRNA is not a part of the process. Market demand will diminish ranchers stupid enough to inject our food supply with this poison.
This article is incorrect about the ferret trials. All the ferrets DIED in those trials – some immediately, but most of them died over a short time because MRNA distroys the immune system (same as in the poor folks that took the CV shots) and as a result, they die from everything under the sun. No immune system leads to VAIDS as it is being called currently with this CV shot (Vaccine Induced AIDS). Secondly, the spike protein is continually being produced, contrary to what they thought so that is why autopsies show spike in brains, hearts etc. It’s causing “all cause mortality” of non-covid deaths to be up 40% in 18-65 yrs old, according to actuaries in the insurance companies in the US/Israel and EU!!!! That is unheard of and alarming, to say the least. The 3-letter agencies lie like breathing because they are all captured. No trust left with any of them. In light of those things, MRNA won’t be put into my body voluntarily, through any means. Full stop.
Nanette Paulson Perkins
Thank you for this info. I am seriously concerned about this but also that UC Riverside and UC San Diego are allegedly creating mRNA for injections into our vegetable foods. Spinach and lettuce now, but they want it in all of our food, and that would go into food for livestock. I am not understanding how this can be happening to us, and our rights are being destroyed. How will you keep it from the feed your animals eat?
Caryl Elzinga
Hi Nanette! We don’t bring any additional feeds to our ranch for our cattle–we don’t feed them vegetables, grains, or any other stuff “imported” to the ranch. It’s just grass, grown here, and in the wintertime, hay, grown here, and occasionally some hay from our certified organic neighbors who we know personally & trust. As a result, we feed no GMOs and wouldn’t feed mRNAs of any kind of that became a concern.
As for any potential mRNA vaccine, our stance since writing this article remains the same–we simply won’t be using them on our cattle in any capacity.
Thanks for the question! All the best!
Fda has approved mrna technology for pork, any comments.
Grant Anderson
We can put this to bed very simply. Never trust the FDA or CDC. In fact, the opposite is usually true. So if they claim it is safe, then probably it is NOT safe. The last 4 years have demonstrated the corruption in these institutions, so they are completely untrustworthy.
Sofia Ferraro
I am glad that you stand against this new mad hold sistema that is in place to kill us
I will support you guys more and more
Buying the meat
Because o chose to not do the mRNA and the flu v
I am and o will be always be against something make the world sick
And them more rich
I hope more people will open up to the reality
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you Sofia!!
Found this.
Mark & Helene Grosman
Thank you for this clarification and well thought out response to concerns. We whole heartedly agree with your assessment and are quite pleased. Appreciate all that you and your family do for all of our families.
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you Mark and Helene!
Marian Neevel
So so appreciative of this thoughtful approach and transparency. I am a customer for life. Me and my family are very fortunate to be connected to you. Like so many issues these days, one must consider details known and unknown and weigh possible consequences. You are a wise man Glenn. I assume your committed family will continue this legacy so that we can be assured we are eating the best meat!
Many thanks, Marian. PS My sister, Margaret Currin does the ordered for both of us
Glenn Elzinga
Hi Marian. Sorry it took me over a week to get back on here and approve comments. We appreciate you so much for being a partner and a customer. I don’t know if I’m wise, but I always think about what’s right by our customers, and the land, and the animals themselves. I am watching my daughters develop a similar view, and I hope that they are my legacy.
Sara Reilly
Thank you, Glen. I know many people who have been worried about this issue, will be interested in reading about your ideas, and in supporting and eating vaccine-free beef.
Try contacting the NSW AGRICULTURE MINISTER what he has informed your theory is false and has written to a business person on the 6/2:/23
Glenn Elzinga
Interested in more information
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you Sara!
I am a devoted Alderspring customer of several years. Glenn, your authenticity, transparency and commitment to doing ranching the right way is sadly almost unheard of these days. My family and I appreciate you and your family and Alderspring Ranch more than I can possibly convey. Thank you for being our trusted rancher.
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you Lori for being our partner for so many years. I am proud to be your rancher!!
Their claim is that mRNA vaccines for cattle will be completely safe for humans consumption — You know, just like rBST bovine growth hormone was declared safe in milk, which perfectly explains why it’s virtually impossible to buy milk that has been processed from dairy cattle treated with rBST.
Thank you! Even Dr.Robert Malone who was instrumental in developing the mRNA technology says these vaccines should be halted immediately. I just hope as a producer that sells to the public that you are able to hold the line.
Dave Malone
Loyal customer
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you, Dave! I appreciate your long term partnership!! (Sorry to take so long to log in here and respond to comments!). Our organic certification does, I think, give us some protection from being forced to use these vaccines. Right not we have to justify any vaccines we use (show mortality, show that a disease is common in our area), which to me is the right way to make decisions about which, if any, vaccines should be used on animals (or people, for that matter).
Rorri Wiesinger
One of your customer’s posted comments made reference to Robert Malone, MD. I wholeheartedly encourage you to research Dr. Malone before reading any of the regurgitated lickspittle drivel spewed by the so-called ‘fact-checkers’, The Atlantic magazine, NY Times or any other Establishment echo chamber legacy media outlet. Please read the original content emanating from the actual source; that is, what Robert Malone himself has actually stated concerning the risks and dangers of the mRNA ‘spiked protein factory’ vaccines, whether for human or animal and livestock uses.
Here is his own bio sketch from :
“I am an internationally recognized scientist/physician and the original inventor of mRNA vaccination as a technology, DNA vaccination, and multiple non-viral DNA and RNA/mRNA platform delivery technologies. I hold numerous fundamental domestic and foreign patents in the fields of gene delivery, delivery formulations, and vaccines: including for fundamental DNA and RNA/mRNA vaccine technologies.
I have approximately 100 scientific publications with over 12,000 citations of my work (per Google Scholar with an “outstanding†impact factor rating). I have been an invited speaker at over 50 conferences, have chaired numerous conferences and I have sat on or served as chairperson on HHS and DoD committees. I currently sit as a non-voting member on the NIH ACTIV committee, which is tasked with managing clinical research for a variety of drug and antibody treatments for COVID-19.
I received my medical degree from the Northwestern Feinberg School of Medicine. I completed the Harvard Medical School fellowship as a global clinical research scholar in 2016 and was scientifically trained at the University of California at Davis, the University of California at San Diego, and at the Salk Institute Molecular Biology and Virology laboratories. I have served as an assistant and associate professor of pathology and surgery at the University of California at Davis, the University of Maryland, and the Armed Forces University of the Health Sciences.”
Here is a fairly recent January, 2023 New American podcast interview of Robert Malone discussing potential risks of mRNA viral vaccines in livestock:
BTW, you won me over as a new customer! I’m looking forward to purchasing your grass-fed, non-mRNA beef!
God bless you, your family and your business!
Rorri Wiesinger
New customer
Jennifer A Hall
JUST RECENTLY, the FDA has stopped all the so called vaccines…no one should be giving them…
They lie. Dont believe government. The list of lies is endless.
Carol Ann
God bless you and the heart you give to caring for these animals in the way He wants you to! We also appreciate your bold spirit that we can trust to stand for what is good and right…”Thus saith the Lord, Stand ye in the ways, and see, and ask for the old paths; where is the good way, and walk therein, and ye shall find rest for your souls.” Jeremiah 6:16. It’s clear Who you ride for! Happy trails…
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you Carol Ann!!
Thank you for taking the time to look into this and sharing the information. It is good to hear how little you do vaccinate and how you would choose not to vaccinate at all if they all became mRNA. It is hard to find “clean” beef these days.
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you, Michelle
I thank you for sharing your knowledge and wisdom with us. It greatly helped to reduce some of my fears that we face in today’s culture. The more informed we are, we can make better decisions. Thank you for your effort and time in writing this article.
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you Rodney!
All I know for sure is that young people in general, and young athletes in particular, are experiencing an alarming increase in “sudden, unexpected” deaths. There is mounting evidence that the one thing these cases have in common is they’ve all taken the covid-19 mRNA vaccines. These vaccines have been widely touted as “safe and effective,” but the effective element has been shown conclusively to be an outright falsehood. As for the “safe” element, not enough is known, but the trend is concerning.
As for using the mRNA vaccines on livestock, I’d give it a few years of observation before I committed. Today there is so much fraud and duplicity that even a one-eyed man on a galloping horse can see it.
Glenn Elzinga
I like the analogy of a one-eyed man on a galloping horse. I think you are spot on about corruption.
Literally brought tears to my eyes. Your love and respect for the animals and their creator shines through all you do and we all reap the benefits of your hard work and willingness to make hard decisions and assess risk responsibly.
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you Lorna. I know you have been our partner for many years, and we appreciate your family.
Hi Glen, Thank you for this very thoughtful article and for keeping us informed. There are many safety issues with mRNA technology. There is mounting research showing serious health problems in an alarming number of recipients of the Covid 19 shots. I agree with you. I won’t eat meat from mRNA injected animals. I’m glad to know you are committed to raising beef as nature intended. I will be a life long customer.
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you Carolyn! (Sorry it took me so long to log back in here and approve and answer your comment!!)
I am so very glad you decided to write on this timely topic! This new mRNA technology is far from being tested for safety…even for humans. And now, the cash hungry pharmaceutical companies want to gouge out more money to inject it in our animals! I will never eat any meat from any animal that had been injected with this. You are so spot on when you say that Mother Nature and our good Lord gave humans AND animals all that we need to survive and be healthy, if only we don’t corrupt nature with artificial herbicides, pesticides, fungicides, antibiotics and artificial/synthetic/untested shots. It’s bad enough that the CDC now has a mandatory “schedule†of vaccines for our children to the tune of 72 before the age of 18!ðŸ˜How can their little immune systems handle all that!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart for all that you do…so that we can enjoy the “fruits of your labor†– your delicious, nutritious, organic beef. I also want you to thank your friend in Bristol Bay, AK for proving the excellent salmon!
I wish more people could partake and understand what you and your family (and ranch hands) are trying to doâ£ï¸
Gary Dirks
Glenn, Thank you for following up on the mRNA livestock issue. It is a critical issue for today and the future since the big pharma companies seem so hell bent to continue the manufacture of vaccines with this technology which has enough uncertainty to cause serious concern for all those concerned about their health. With all the vaccinated athletes worldwide having deadly to serious health problems it seems extremely prudent to be aware and concerned.
You and your ranch are a treasure. Thank you for being so thoughtful.
God bless.
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you, Coco!
Shirley, interested in getting the name of the company you recommend for salmon. I am busy trying to compile a list of sources, ranches etc where I can get good meat, fish and poultry products. What the big beef, and poultry places are talking about doing to our meat is so scary! I am also hearing there are produce manufactures who are planning to put into lettuce, corn and vegetables. Might want to do research on that as well. If you could give me the name of the salmon business in AK, would greatly appreciate it!!
James Smith
Thanks so much Glen for this article. We’ve been worried about mRNA vaccines for humans and animals both. It’s great to know that Alderspring beef will not be vaccinated with mRNA (neither are my wife nor I).
Thanks for all you, your family and the ranch hands do for both the cattle and us, your partners!
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks for reading and supporting our family business James!
I totally agree glad they won’t be using either. They have reformulated all shots with mRNA for rsv and such for cows and pigs. With that said that not only problem. Everyone needs to call state legislature fda usda to say stop this and make it illegal. It happening and putting it in everything and tainting all food. Wheat and veggies too. It needs to stop! They are disgustingly obsessed with getting this in people. It won’t be labeled and will be allowed in non gmos food and already in organic food. It also imported and gets around rules! No info or consent. Evil IMO. Called gene editing or precision breeding. We all need to call and stop them. Petitions anything. This is too far. Articles and ideas of vaxxed by salad and milk. No! So no dairy if any kind. It’s obsessive. The death and injury of babies in womb have skyrocketed and if born have died soon after. Some died and injured after getting vax in milk so obviously same will happen with cows. Beyond upsetting. We all need to have our voices heard. They don’t care. Found this out and I need to share. it horrible no one knows what happening and it drives me crazy and eats me up people are lied to or deceived. Please spread the word. Everyone should know what they are eating. All $$ and no safety. Be aware it not just meat. Take care.
Jennifer A Hall
Post a few month’s back, when the NSW government were pushing the MRNA vaxx for beef and sheep, a farmer in NSW had 200 cattle vaxed, 35 died instantly…the others will get sick and have to be euthanasia, it is truly sickening, heartbreaking….Animals in some Zoo,s have also been injected with it, and many have died…..The evil ones pushing this mass genocide want all the animals dead too….We are in world war 3 with our governments and big pharma….we must make a stand against them….
I’m grateful to you and all who support your ranch for keeping this vital food source as safe as possible. We all benefit from you keeping yourself well-informed & without political biases affecting your decisions. The world needs more ranchers just like you.
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks so much for following along Steve!
Doug Storer
Thank you, Glenn. You’re well-considered words are encouraging and much appreciated. Knowing you and Alderspring these many years (and getting tremendous nutrition and value from your excellent product!) I have come to rely on this kind of sober-minded stewardship of your charges.
Thank you. I’m grateful to be in partnership (as a customer) with your family, employees, staff, and operation.
It is the model for moving the world forward in my opinion and I model my own small business after your customer relationships. It continues to be an excellent experience.
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks so much Doug. Your support and business means a lot to us and the crew!
Thank you Glenn, A lot of work went into this and we appreciate you! This calmed my family down greatly. May God continue to bless you and yours.
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks for the support Rae!
Phyllis simplot
Thank you for all your hard work and diligence so as to insure that your herds and Alderspring Ranch endure for many years to come and that we as a consumer can purchase your products with confidence.
God Bless you and your precious family
Mike and Phyllis Simplot
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks for reading!
John Madany
I appreciate your caution regarding mRNA vaccination. I was recently listening to a veterinary education podcast and they were talking about how mRNA vaccines may be better than traditional vaccines. MRNA does not contain an adjuvant. I’m always paying attention for information that is shared in advertently. That sounded like an admission that adjuvants commonly used in standard vaccines are toxic. Adjuvants are supposed to improve the immune response.
That substantiates your decision not to vaccinate against viral infections.
The mRNA vaccinations have been pushed on humans. The technical term for use of mRNA by injection is “transfection“. You don’t hear the term transfection much because the media tries to make you think it is a safe technology by giving it a familiar trusted name vaccination.
Leo Younger
Thank you all for the thoughtful comments. Thank you to Glenn for sharing this welcome statement of policy with us.
Shari Bacon
Thank you for writing this letter Glenn! This is why we love you and your beautiful family and why we buy your beef!
Like you, we will never eat meat that has been injected with mRNA or any of the other toxic laden vaccines and drugs. Animals and people are alike in that they are created by our CREATOR GOD. If we eat toxic free food and stay away from toxic BIG PHARMA and blind thinking governments our bodies will thrive as God designed them to. We (animals and people) are what we eat!
Thank you for seeing through the lies, thinking independently and speaking truth!
We appreciate the stewardship you give to the animals and the land they graze on.
With gratitude,
Shari Bacon
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks for reading and thinking about these issues Shari!
Tom & Lisa
Appreciate this article, Glenn, and your clarity on your own position. “I, Glenn Elzinga….have no interest in eating mRNA vaccinated animal products. Simply put, I will not eat them.” We are in hearty agreement!
Julene Jacobsen
Thank you so much for this article! I agree with you and support you in your decision to not vaccinate with an untested mRNA vaccine. We love the beef from Alderspring and thank you for all you do!
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you, Julene. I know we have shipped many boxes to you. Thank you so much for being a long time partner with us!!
Nancy Battaglia
Thank you Glenn for writing about this. I am relieved to hear that you will not be vaccinating your animals with this mRNA vaccine! As you wrote, they are doing just fine with all that they are consuming naturally. You, your family and all the Alderspring crew are amazing and compassionate people and we are so thankful for all you do!
scott alan bedford
God bless you Glen! Thank you for having the best meat my family has ever tasted!
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you, Scott! I know you have been with us for awhile. Sure appreciate you.
Steve Heil
So very happy to hear Glenn!!! Thank you and your whole family for providing a safe product for the public to consume! You have a customer in me for life! All the best!
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you, Steve!!
Yes God bless you Glenn. Reading the comments it has come to fruition! Merck has pork mRNA vax out started selling in jan and cow and pork association lobbyist said they will start to use mRNA this month. This month! No one knows. Don’t think they told farmers they changed formulation. Tell them all to check the boxes. They won’t be labeling the meat at stores. With the data out for humans it catastrophic already with excess death & gene altering, disease, infertility &stillborn &miscarriage through the roof. It will do the same to our animals. Death illness and infertility. Tell all the farmers you know please. It will be horrible and I know lot of farms take pride in their herd and type of cows and such like heritage breeds and this will alter it. We need to stop fda and pharma. America needs to say no to this. We don’t consent they didn’t ask and just doing it quietly. No way! They are committed and your customers have your back and all farmers. I haven’t ordered from you yet since I just found you but we have all farmers back! God bless. Thank you and spread the word.
Monica Lammle
Hello there Glenn and all of you at Alderspring,
I was oh-so-very relieved after reading this post! I just can’t tell you how much our family appreciates your discussion on this important matter and even more so, you’re stance and decision about it. We absolutely love your beef and have a deep respect for your regenerative ranching practices, commitment and integrity. You can absolutely taste the delicious difference (it’s huge!) and being able to enjoy knowing how nutritious your beef is when eating is a treat in itself. Many thanks and much gratitude to you!
Glenn Elzinga
Thank you, Monica. I know you have been our partner for many years, and I am grateful.
Margaret Gaspard
I really appreciate you writing on this topic. I was very concerned about ingesting beef from cattle that have been injected with MrNA vaccines. They were supposed to be safe for humans in prevention as well and that has proven to be untrue. People are dying suddenly etc etc. I do not want to eat any beef that uses this sort of mrna shot. I would be concerned about any cattle being injected with this sort of technology. The covid vaccines have affected reproduction in humans why wouldn’t it effect the reproduction efforts in cattle. We are all mammals. I can’t believe this is one more thing I would have to worry about, having my food source manipulated with a shot that in the end could harm me. But in the end I’m thankful for your article and your honesty on this topic.
Glenn Elzinga
Thank-you, Margaret. I hope it was helpful.
German Barrero
Thank you so much!… You and your family are truly a blessing.
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks for reading!
I’m so happy to have come across your article. I will support you as I fully agree with what you are saying, and I, too, want to only eat meat that has not been injected with genetic material/mRNA. I find a big problem now is that I don’t think we will be able to know whether meat we eat has been injected with mRNA, even if it is labeled as organic or non-GMO, as these shots may not be considered in the organic or non-GMO criteria, so I think it’s necessary now to know the producer directly. Thank you for being someone who is on the side of thinking and reflecting logically and whom we can trust.
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks for reading Lisa. There is certainly a lot to be considered with these arising issues and hot topics.
We appreciate your support!
What a thoughtful and informative post! Thank you for taking the time to explain the pros and cons of animal vaccinations and other animal welfare issues you face as a rancher. It will definitely influence my decisions in future food purchases!
Caryl Elzinga
Hi Anita, thanks for taking the time to read and comment!
Kathy Roberts
Dear Glenn,
Some friends and I are concerned about the probability of mRNA vaccines being introduced for livestock and one farmer one of us contacted linked to your excellent article on the subject. I am very impressed with the integrity of your ranching operation and have subscribed to your newsletter and will share your information.
When you discuss the longevity of the spike protein in the vaccine, you intelligently point out that if Chinese oral vaccine can survive digestion, why not vaccine in meat? You said that after observing that “Most of the research surrounding this idea of persistence after ingesting mRNA indicates that it is not persistent. FDA/USDA will most likely require 30 or more days withdrawal of treated animals from entrance to the food supply.” The Chinese study indicates the unfortunate fact that we were not told the truth about the persistence of the injected mRNA vaccine, so we have no reason to believe the reports of persistence in ingested vaccine. The fact is, no one knows how long the spike protein persists, despite initial assurances to the contrary. This first excellent article points out that the CDC keeps changing its vaccine “facts”, including this:
“The CDC no longer says the spike protein may stay in the body only for a few weeks.”:
The second article refers to an Australian government paper, obtained through a FOIA request. It says the paper reveals: “No data on how long the spike protein persists” and
“Page four, again, there is no distribution and degradation data on the S the Spike Antigen, encoding messenger ribonucleic acid, the mRNA.
So they don’t know where this goes, no distribution. And they don’t know how long it lasts for it doesn’t degrade, does it degrade in five minutes? Does it degrade in five years?”:
Here is one scientific paper referencing a study indicating that the spike protein lasted 60 days, which was as long as they looked for it. If they’d kept looking for months (or years?), for how long would it have been detected?:
“… it has been shown that production of the spike protein in some vaccines is kept up for an extraordinarily long time. A study by Röltgen et al. [8] found that the vaccine mRNA persists in the body up to 60 days, with 60 days being the end point of their study.”:
Here’s an amazing substack analysis that observes:
“18/We know that the cells transfected and which produce spike protein are destroyed by the immune cells or the cells undergo apoptosis or necrosis, and the idea is that the protein is completely destroyed
19/ yet we also have seen studies showing the S1 protein in the plasma of nurses after vaccination for up to 28 days after vaccination, and also the entire spike protein for a shorter period …
21/ Furthermore Dr Patterson has discovered that S1 persists in non-classical monocytes for up to 15 months after infection and is seeing the same in post-vaccination patients.:
There’s nothing to indicate that people (or livestock) don’t produce spike protein from vaccines indefinitely.
You’re also commendably concerned about vaccinated meat ingestion even though you note that, “There have been some preliminary mRNA vaccine tests on mice, mink and black-footed ferrets. So far, results appear promising. But what if the animals vaccinated happen to be the ones we eat? Are there possible complications?”
Sadly, we have, again, been misinformed. Regarding the integrity of the vaccine trials, there’s mounting evidence of fraud, some of it discovered by French biostatistician, Christine Cotton:
“The results of her analysis of the procedural and regulatory steps taken to introduce COVID-19 emergency vaccines led Christine to conclude that it was simply not possible to develop, test and unleash the suite of COVID-19 vaccines on the US and world population, in a manner and timeframe which met all the then existing public health and vaccine safety constraints, checks and regulations. In short the development and vaccine roll-out was just too fast to justify the vaccine safety and efficacy claims made. …
Analysis of US VAERS Vaccine Adverse Reactions Data by Biostatistician Christine Cotton Part 2 focuses on the identification of key vaccine adverse health risks within the body of the VAERS data. Her findings make stark reading against the continuing claim by the US government and US Public Health agencies that vaccines are safe and that their benefits outweigh the risks.”:
And here’s the BMJ, of all entities, publishing about the Pfizer vaccine whistleblower who exposed the shoddiness of their Covid vaccine trial:
“… for researchers who were testing Pfizer’s vaccine at several sites in Texas during that autumn, speed may have come at the cost of data integrity and patient safety. A regional director who was employed at the research organisation Ventavia Research Group has told The BMJ that the company falsified data, unblinded patients, employed inadequately trained vaccinators, and was slow to follow up on adverse events reported in Pfizer’s pivotal phase III trial. Staff who conducted quality control checks were overwhelmed by the volume of problems they were finding.”:
Thank you, again, for your outstanding example of clean, healthy ranching. I look forward to studying your site further.
Who knows if/when the links will be quietly taken down in the future, it has happened before with smaller subjects. I have taken the liberty of finding archives of the links in case that happens, so that anyone reading this may still be able to access the content you linked.
Lauren Heckert
I am so glad I came across this article. It was informative and thought provoking and is causing me to evaluate my own buying habits. Glenn thank you for your candid thoughts on this subject.
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks so much for taking the time to read and comment, Lauren!
Jennifer Ellis Thomas
Can we buy directly from you? I would prefer a company and ranch that approaches their farming this way. Thank you!
Caryl Elzinga
Hi Jennifer, yes, we have an online store at!
I was just wondering if as of today, April 5, 2023, the process of injecting beef with MrNA had been started. I read somewhere the Cattlemen’s Association had approved it. Thank you.
Caryl Elzinga
Hi Marcia, we’re looking into this and other rumors that we’ve been hearing! We will update this article when we are sure on the facts…there is a lot of misinformation about this right now and we want to ensure we are only sharing factual information and not contributing to the confusion. Thanks for commenting!
Thank you for the info Glenn! It is much appreciated.
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks for reading, Sherry!
John Alexander
No virus has ever been isolated nor proven to exist. And that goes for transmittable diseases as well. Contagion has never been proven, only the opposite – that you can not catch a disease from someone else. 211 health and science institutions around the world have been asked, through the free information act, to provide a record of a virus isolation, a proof that viruses exist, and yet not one single institution of these 211 has been able to do so. Not a single one of 211!
Seth Friedman
Covid-19 does not exist and neither do viruses. A true intellect would respond by saying prove it. Here is the proof:
Juila Dellar
Thank you for this informative and honest article. As we gather information and share with family and friends who are also concerned about this topic we will use this as a valuable resource. People are waking up to what is being put in our food and the importance of supporting our local ranchers and farmers, and we are spreading the word on just how vital this is.
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks for commenting, Julia! We hope to continue to update with more recent information that has come out since the writing of this article.
Karen Mueller
Thank you for your statement on mRNA vaccines for your cattle. Have you investigated homeopathy for your herd? Ellen Bench, in Victor, Montana, has natural remedies for all types of animals. Here’s a link to her site.
K. Mueller
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks for sharing Karen!
Dr. McCullough says it is digestable and I believe him
You are right Peggy, there have been numerous studies outside the United States that have proven that mRNA and the Lipid Nano’s do survive our stomach acid and is absorbed into our blood stream.
Nancy Colburn
Thank you so much for addressing this issue. I’ve been extremely concerned after learning what our government has now planned for us. I’m covid vaccine free and I intend to stay that way. I sure don’t want it in my food especially after seeing the staggering number of side effects and deaths from their poisonous jabs. I’m currently buying my meat from a local ranch in Texas and I intend to question them about their vaccine protocols.
Unfortunately, the Government has already injected 100,000 Elk & Deer. There was a hidden article in a Huntets’ magazine. They’ve already began trials with vegetables. GOD BLESS YOU Glen for standing your ground but please be safe!! Farms are being poisoned & burnt down almost on a daily basis! Just today a dairy farm exploded, killed 18,000 cows & one person. So sad.
Thank you Glenn for posting this article!! Such a relief that there is a rancher out there with some good common sense left!! I was not familiar with your ranch and meat, but now that I know, I will spread the word. You just gained some new customers!!!! Does anyone know of good places to get pork products? That is another major concern of mine. People need to look into vegetables and corn, as word has it that they are using this technology in produce. Thanks again, for this well thought out and informative letter!
Caryl Elzinga
Hi Becky,
Glad you found us. Thanks for reading. We do have pork occasionally from a source in Montana, checkout our pork page on
MSM is claiming that there is as yet no licensed mRNA vaccine for cattle while ignoring the fact that conditinal licensing akin to rhe Covid EUA does exist. This is just a verbal smokescreen. I also wonder if bivalent vaccines might contain both killed and mRNA vaccines but may only be labeled as killed vaccines.
Caryl Elzinga
Interesting thoughts Janet. Thanks for reading.
Thank you so much for the information. I worry for my grandchildren and the food they will be purchasing. I have been raised on beef, and still love it. My father was a cattle farmer. I will be buying organic from now on as I just don’t trust the government or the research they provide, I feel it can be screwed to their agenda. Just look at the mess and heartache from the Covid vaccines. No way I will be eating anything they intend to inject, no matter how hard they try to convince us of it being ok. I will also be educating my family. Let’s hope they don’t deceive the farmers. I see what is happening to food production in America and the farmers up in arms. It is more than disturbing. Again thank you for your honesty and to all the other people who made comment. Your cattle look so healthy. I hope we all make an effort to purchase our meat and vegetables from ethical sources.
Caryl Elzinga
I’m sorry for the delay in my response to your comment.
Thanks for reading! Good for you for searching for ethical sources!
It would be much appreciated if we could keep us updated, as it appears they are pushing ahead. It’s scarey. Thank you!
Caryl Elzinga
Thanks for reading.
Rita Walsh
I lost my 48 year old son to the vaccine. When he passed on 01/25/2023, he needed 3 heart valves replaced, his liver and kidneys were in failure and he was bleeding internally. I simply do not understand how they think this mRNA is a good thing after all of the harm it has caused, but I am very afraid “we ain’t seen nothin’ yetâ€. In the next five years I feel like illnesses are going to rear their ugly heads and again, it is all about money…but vaccinated lives will be lost.
Caryl Elzinga
So sorry for your loss Rita.
Kathleen Boroughs
So appreciate this thoughtful article. Many of us have these questions and we can no longer count on our media, scholars, scientists, government agencies, etc to provide truth and facts. Will continue to follow you and hope for updates. I salute your integrity. Happy trails to you.
Caryl Elzinga
Thank you for following along and reading this Kathleen.
Happy trails!
Paul Allen
Nice to know you don’t support it. On that note, I am not a biologist, by my degrees required me to take a lot of science, and I selected biology based science quit often (because I enjoyed it and understand it).
mRNA is akin to a computer program – it changes the way the machine works. So, it changes the way the body (the machine) works, and in the case of human-created mRNA – humans that hardly know how the body works let alone about genetics – it does not do it in a Good Way. Science has barely scratched the surface when it comes to genetics. mRNA vaccines can’t be trusted in humans or in our food.
Big Pharma is about money, not helping people. Remember Purdue Pharma?
Big Government can’t be trusted. The COVID-19 BS should have taught us that. I personally know (or rather, knew) people that died from the vax and others that are still sick from it, over a year later. All were perfectly healthy before the vaccine, and all that died, died from cardiac arrests due to the myocarditis it caused and the others have various health issues.
Caryl Elzinga
Interesting thoughts Paul. Thanks for reading.
What an incredible article! I learned a great deal. I’m excited to learn that you are not vaccinating. We do not vaccinate and have never had any issues. We use homeopathic remedies and herbal medicines for both ourselves and our pets. We will also never allow an experimental “vaccine†to be given to our family or our pets.
The extraordinary work and effort you and Caryl and the girls put into caring for the cows naturally, as well as protecting the surrounding landscape and other wildlife, is why we will only get our beef and meat from your family. If only all (cattle) ranchers had your honor and integrity in caring for animals and the land God has blessed us all with. Thank you for all you do!
Caryl Elzinga
Thank you for reading and following along Joanne. We appreciate your business and support!
I started buying from you a few months ago and one of the main reasons was because of your post regarding the mRNA. I was very happy to hear you are not giving this deadly poison to your cattle. If anything changes will you be posting to alert your customers? Thank you!!
Caryl Elzinga
Hello CP, thanks for commenting and thanks for being a customer! We will of course notify our customers if anything changes regarding our stance on mRNAs. As of today, that has not changed and we still have no plans to administer mRNA vaccines to our cattle, now or in the future.
Bravo. It’s reassuring that there are some who will still stand for the health and happiness of their livestock. There appear to be plenty of farmers in NZ that are talking if vaccinating with mRNA tech. If the follow through of that leads into dairy production as well, there are going to be a lot of products on the market that we are not going to want to touch, either.
Just out-
I’m not surprised that you stated your cattle are healthier since you discontinued vaccinations. Several years ago, after my hubby, our adult son, and I stopped taking flu vaccines, we stopped getting the flu. We did all have a fairly mild case of Covid-19 but did not even need to go to the doctor (symptoms were definitely Covid symptoms). I believe that not having the flu vaccines for several years was what helped keep our Covid symptoms mild. I have no proof of that, but it is what I can’t help but think. I can’t help but wonder if the flu would mostly disappear if everyone stopped the vaccines. Guess we’ll never know since the vaccines are such a big money maker for big pharma.
From one rancher to the next, congratulation sir on your very well-researched, measured & considered response to this subject… you are absolutely making the right choice.
Ultimately, the things you need to know about mRNA are;
1: to stay away from mRNA… and any form of genetic modification, period.
and 2:
then do a websearch to read about the following phrase:
“All the ferrets died…”
mRNA Is now known to be a damaging and pernicious substance, not fit for purpose.
Indeed a lot of practices Regarding immunology and vaccinology generally across history are today, seriously called into question by hundreds of PhD level researched books that I hold copies of offline for their preservation.
Ultimately, humanity must make progressive moves back towards the natural biosphere of Earth that God provided us from the start… that was unmolested by mankind.
It is not the domain of Mankind to interfere with God’s creations and the balance of our ecosystem as it was designed to function for the benefit of all life on earth…
It is mankinds duty to live in this world in harmony with the environment around us.
Genetic modification in any form is not a part of that philosophy.