Welcome to Alderspring’s Weekend Newsletter. Thank you for partnering with us in what we do!

This Week’s Story: Follow the North Star
Click the button below if you’d like to “follow the North Star” in Glenn’s story.
Store News
Next Shipping Date: Monday, January 27th
We generally ship every Monday, holiday weeks excepting (see calendar). You’ll get a tracking number when we ship your order. UPS may initially show an extra day of transit time, but will correct late Monday night when orders hit the Salt Lake hub.
Next Restock Date: Wednesday, January 29th
We restock every Wednesday and send out a sale flyer on Wednesday in the early evening with the week’s deals.

This Week’s Reader-Only Deals
Use the code “BEEFBONES” to get 10% off grass fed (not certified organic) beef bones.
Use the code “#2SIXTEENTH” to get 10% off #2: grass fed (not certified organic) sixteenth with shoulder tender, flat iron, and sirloin steak.
To access these sale items, and for more deals and products, you can click the button below!
Ranch News

These are our newest additions to the Alderspring horse herd. It’s always nice when we can pick up two colts at a time. They’re in a new place, with unfamiliar sights and sounds, and the transition is a lot less stressful for them if they have a friend. – Melanie
Photo credit Melanie Elzinga.

While my filly might be a little standoffish, she’s also very aware of her surroundings. I appreciate that about her; a horse that is watching out for themselves is a lot safer in rough terrain.
– Melanie
Photo credit Melanie Elzinga.

Extra fuzzy for the winter and enjoying the sunshine. Photo credit Josh Whitling.

The view from the backhoe as Josh prepared to unload our most recent load of organic alfalfa hay. Photo credit Josh Whitling.

In last weeks newsletter we shared photos of building and hanging our diatomaceous earth dusting bag. The diatomaceous earth helps the cattle naturally combat lice and other bugs. We’ve been refining the design and added two contact points for the bag to hang from to keep it from spinning. Photo credit Josh Whitling.

Milo surveying the herd as they make their way towards the hay wagon. Photo credit Rose Morris.

Feeding time is the perfect time to check the herd and make sure no one is showing signs of illness or injury. We look for things like how fast the cows approach the hay wagon (most come running; those that lag all get a careful second look), swelling, stiff movements, if their noses are running, their breathing is labored, or they are coughing. These all provide clues as to their overall health, and help us spot any animals in need of extra care. Photo credit Josh Whitling.

Winter sunsets hold a particular kind of gentle beauty and calm. Photo credit Josh Whitling.

Photo credit Melanie Elzinga.
Your purchase supports our regenerative work. For more information go to https://www.alderspring.com/regenerative/.

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